Who is responsible for security Who is responsible for security How can companies comply with the requirements of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May N On additional measures to ensure information security of the Russian Federation. In the modern world cybersecurity is a vital function to ensure the interests of a person society and the state. The Russian society has recently experienced upheaval from complex carefully prepared well-funded cyber attacks that threaten the safe operation of all business entities including critical infrastructure facilities. First of allstate institutions manufacturing companies major media outlets financial institutions socially significant portals and networks were at risk.

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The challenges associated with ensuring business cybersecurity have been and remain complex multifaceted and interrelated. They require constant interaction with the state and society regular improvement of methods and means to reliably assess cybersecurity Indian Phone Number List threats and respond to them in a timely and high-quality manner. In this regard on May Presidential Decree N “On additional measures to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation” was adopted. Its action extends to: All state and near state companies companies with state participation and their contractors; Strategic enterprises including commercial strategic joint-stock companies and backbone organizations.

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OF the Russian economy; Companies that are subjects of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation. The specifics of organizations explain such large-scale requirements that clearly regulate the processes of ensuring information security in the Decree Mailing Data Pro of the President of the Russian Federation. Who needs to take action Let’s look at which companies industries and business segments are covered by the Decree. First of allwe are talking about federal executive bodiesthe highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation state funds and corporations as well as other organizations created on the basis of federal laws; If we talk about strategic joint-stock companies and backbone organizations of the Russian economy then here the Decree affects large commercial companies.

By eaias

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