Most often, the first letter contains gratitude for the subscription, information about the assortment and benefits of the store, and a promotional code for the first order. The second letter tells about the advantages of delivery, the possibility of buying on credit, and other benefits. And those who have already made a purchase in “KotoPhoto” are waiting for a nice bonus – 100 CatCoins for each review left about the purchased product. The chain ends with a letter about the KotoPhoto bonus program , which allows you to pay with bonuses up to 20% of the purchase amount. In addition, subscribers are invited to look at the promotions section and read the reviews / blog articles.

Products to customers who have recently

They will receive all the most important and useful news in the following emails. Welcome chain Motivated to make the first purchase Work with the customer base should be built, first of all, on the needs of subscribers, their activity and history of actions in the Uruguay Mobile Number List online store. The Campaign Management System module takes into account all the nuances and helps to deliver a personal offer to the buyer in a convenient channel and at the most suitable time for this. To transfer new customers to the loyal segment, KotoPhoto online hypermarket reminds of itself again, a few weeks after sending the.

Phone Number List

Personalization of individual elements of letters

welcome chain – this time is enough for the subscriber to get used to the site, study the assortment and receive several newsletters. To decide on the first purchase, he needs very little – a convincing argument in the form of a secret promo code is enough. Along with the Mailing Data Pro  promotional code, the subscriber receives a reminder about the convenient conditions for ordering in KotoPhoto and two personalized selections of goods – the first one contains new items, and the second one contains store hits that have already interested many customers. Promo code in email We pay attention to details and give gifts to customers.

By eaias

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