Looking to grow your YouTube channel and attract more views? The “trick” is to target topics with search demand. This is the approach that helped us grow our YouTube channel from ~10,000 to over 200,000 monthly views in around a year. Imagine that you sell phone cases online, and you’re creating a new How to Do channel where you’ll unbox new smartphones to attract an audience of potential customers. Your first thought might be to go after broad topics with huge search volumes. The problem is that if you create videos on topics that are too broad, then you’ll attract an irrelevant audience.

By the same notion

if you create videos on super-niche topics, then you won’t attract enough people. Solve this by first mapping out a hierarchy of topics to cover. If we were doing this for executive data our unboxing channel, then “unboxing” might be at the top of the hierarchy. From there, you might list popular brands. Then under each of those, you could add specific models. Next, use keyword research tools to find what people are searching for in relation to your list of topics. There are a lot of keyword research tools out there, but most of them only show Google search volumes and not YouTube ones. These are almost entirely useless because people search on YouTube very differently to how they search on Google. For example, Google Trends tells us that searches for “pizza dough recipe” are slowly declining in recent years on Google…

The problem is that

This topic is way too broad, which is probably why only 32% of searches result in clicks. Think about it. If someone searches for “unboxing” on YouTube, what do they Mailing Data Pro want to see you unbox? How to Do Chances are you have no idea, and they probably don’t either. Instead, head to the “Phrase match” report which shows you keyword ideas containing your seed keywords. But there’s a problem: some ideas are unrelated to smartphones—which is the topic of our channel. We wouldn’t want to create a video where we unbox a Nintendo Switch, despite its high search demand. To solve this, look back at your hierarchy from step one, then paste some of the topics into the “Include” filter separated by commas.

By eaias

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